After gaining enormous successive year with its 5 series, the Equestrian Champions League (ECL) began its 6 series as a final series in this November. The 6th ECL took place in the Jakarta International Equestrian Park Pulomas (JIEPP), Equinara Horse Sports. It will be held for 3 days, from Friday, November 20th to Sunday, November 22nd. In a midst of the COVID-19 pandemic situation, the game set with a strict health protocol and directly monitored by Dinas Pemuda dan Olahraga DKI Jakarta, Polsek Pulo Gadung, Satpol PP Jakarta Timur, and also RS Kesdam Jaya Cijantung, Jakarta. The first day of the series begin with total 6 games, divided by 3 classes of dressage and 3 classes of show jumping. Dressage class that going to be contested consists of: LD4 Medium Open, LD5 Advance Open, and Prix St George Open. Meanwhile, on Show Jumping class that going to be contested consists of: LSJ1 Show Jumping 100 cm Open, LSJ2 Show Jumping 110 cm Open, dan LSJ3 Show Jumping 110 – 120 cm Open.
On Dressage class, LD4 Medium Open class, Equinara Horse Sports athlete, Dirga Saputra with Classico successfully became second champion after he collected 65.151% on final marks. Furthermore, on Show Jumping class (Team Competition League), LSJ3 Show Jumping 110-120 cm Open, two athletes from Equinara Horse Sports, Ferry Wahyu Hadiyanto with Granadine and Marco Wowiling with Sabinna, successfully became first and second champion. Ferry Wahyu Hadiyanto, teamed up with Alvaro Menayang from Aragon Equestrian Sport as a team Drupadi, finished this class excellently with fastest time among all about 74.54 second at the first round and 51.64 at the second round. Meanwhile, Marco Wowiling, teamed up with Rosad Natsir from Andalan Stable, finished this class with final time 91.76 second at the first round and 64.57 second at the second round.
Ferry Wahyu Hadiyanto dan Marco Wowiling dari Equinara Horse Sports saat naik podium untuk menerima medali serta piagam atas keberhasilannya menjuarai kelas Show Jumping 110-120 cm Open
(Team Competition League).
Dirga Saputra dengan Classico dari Equinara Horse Sports meraih Juara 2 ketika bertanding di kelas LD4 Dressage Medium Open pada even Equestrian Champions League Seri ke-6.
Petugas dari Rumah Sakit Kesdam Jaya dan Satpol PP Jakarta Timur ketika mengawasi jalannya pertandingan ECL – Seri 6 sesuai dengan protokol kesehatan Covid-19.