Day-2 of the 6th series of Equestrian Champions League (ECL) began on Saturday, November 21st 2020. Located at Jakarta International Equestrian Park Pulomas (JIEPP), the second day was attended by the General Chairman of PP. PORDASI, Mrs. Triwatty Marciano, along with the board of PP PORDASI. The event was still abiding by a strict health protocol of COVID-19 and directly monitored by the RS Kesdam Jaya Cijantung, Satpol PP Jaktim, and Polsek Pulo Gadung. Today’s match was specifically scheduled for just Dressage. For the opening match, we have LD1 Preliminary German Test U-14 with a a final result won by Aleeya Herlambang with Milady of Equinara Horse Sports. She got medal with a final score of 191.3 and with a final percentage marks of 68.304%. The next class match, LD2 Preliminary FEI U-18, again, Equinara Horse Sports won the match with percentage marks up to 65,426% by Muhammad Haikal Arobi with Milady.
Tomorrow, on Sunday, November 22nd, will be the closing day for ECL Series – 6,where there will be a Prize-Giving session, which will be held for All-Series Equestrian Champions League winners, (Equestrian Athletes who were participated from the first to the fifth series) where these winners are based on the total score they gained during previous and recent series. Equinara Horse Sports has total 7 (seven) representative as champions in the All-Series Equestrian Champions League category. For the LD1 Preliminary German Test U-14 class category, it was won by our young rider Aleeya Herlambang who placed with a final score of 72. Then, for the LSJ2 Show Jumping 110 cm Open (Team Competition League) class category, our Performance Trainer Marco Wowiling successfully became second champion with final score of 50.5. For LSJ3 Show Jumping 110-120 cm Open (Team Competition League), with final score of 35, Ferry Wahyu Hadiyanto (Drupadi Team) came home with a first. Second champion for this category was Marco Wowiling and Andri Sutoyo (Laksmana Team) ending the series with a final score of 24. The third champion in this series was Jundi El-Waton and Yanyan Hadiansah (Anoman Team) who finished this season with a final score of 20.
Equinara Horse Sports Athlete, Yanyan Hadiansah with Sir Deniro, when competing in Dressage Elementary Open class on event of Equestrian Champions League Series – 6.
Aleeya Herlambang, Equinara Horse Sports athlete, when receiving medal and certificate for her success in winning the LD1 Preliminary German Test U-14 class in the Equestrian Champions League Series – 6.