Competition this season has started. In Parongpong, Bandung, Basarnas Cup 2016 was held from 11-13 of March.
Ferry Wahyu Hadiyanto with Equinara Zandor showed some quality riding at the Indonesian Cavalry Base (12/3). First in 120cm class where they jumped flawlessly and clocked the best time 59.20 seconds with no fault, the fastest among 20 other competitors.
Ferry’s teammate Yanyan Hadiansah on Equinara Bodius also had a clear round with 69.22 seconds. They placed fifth.
In 130cm class, Ferry and Zandor also became the winner. No rail down with 64.61 seconds. Yanyan and Bodius finished second with 68.39 seconds.
“It was a fantastic day for us. Zandor did everything I have asked. Super competition, other participants also did very well,” said Ferry.