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Ferry Wahyu Hadiyanto Trains Juniors In China

Our very own Ferry Wahyu Hadiyanto was assigned to coach 3 junior riders from Indonesia at an international event, in China. The CSIOJ-B took place in Beijing on the 29th September 2017 – 1st October 2017.  The overall result was not as expected, however Akbar Maulana was able to win third place. The four junior riders were Akbar Maulana (17 years old), Audirania Amanda Putri (18 years old), Dirga Wira Ramadan (17 years old).

“The riders still need a lot of training especially to enhance their skills and their mental preparation,” said Ferry. The riders did their best at this international event where they did not only compete against Asian countries but many other countries from all over the world. “They had a lot to learn from the other international riders. It was a good experience for them,” added Ferry. The riders who are still very young are only yet exposed to such a big international event and they still have a lot of time to participate in more events like this.

The 29-year-old coach also commented on the development of the sport in other countries compared to Indonesia. According to him other countries may be more developed in terms of facilities, however skill wise they are quite even with the others.

Overall the event was a great opportunity to gain more confidence and experience for the junior riders. “I was very happy to be their coach, as it was also a good experience for me. It really motivated me to develop my skills and knowledge further as a coach.”