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Mylord Carwyn Wins His First Competition

We have good news from Marl. Christina Fiedrich and Mylord Carwyn  (25/3) have just won  jumping challenge with a score of 8.2. It was Mylord’s very first competition. He was the only pony on the starting list, the others are regular jumping horses.

This is the second achievement from Mylord. In April 2014, the bay stallion by Machno Carwyn – Dollar Dela Pierre – Voltaire secured the third place in Freispring Finale (Free jump Final) Competition.

Mylord got 8.8 points in the competition that was held in Munster Handorf. 35 ponies qualified to this final including another Equinara’s stallion, Captain Sparrow, who then became the winner.

Mylord  trains and stands at stud at Hengststation Rohmann.